Cheap Appétit Recipe No. 005: Leftover Fried Rice with Jasmine Green Tea Soup (Microwave Oven Recipe)

By Tana Kosiyabong

Leftover Yang Chow Fried Rice with Jasmine Green Tea Soup

I was looking forward to staying an extra hour longer under my warm, cozy blanket this daylight-saving Sunday. Unfortunately, Angus, my pet dog, has never heard of such a concept. He still woke up the same time as usual (though it’s now an hour earlier on the clock) and demanded to go potty ASAP. I had no choice but to get off my bed and strolled the chilly street with Angus and a few poo bags. After the morning ritual, I fed him with his raw food diet and jumped right back to bed.

A couple of hours later, I finally got hungry. However, I’d rather stay home with a warm blanket than went out for a grub in the cold. So I searched through the fridge and found a box of the leftover Yang Chow fried rice I had from a few nights ago. That’s good enough for a starter. A minute later, an idea came to me. Here’s how I fixed my brunch earlier today: […]